Tässä on levy-yhtiö Kongoloti Recordsin oma, joskaan ei ihan mallikelpoinen englanninnos:
Attention, today we are going to learn about the ABC of prejudice
A is for AFRICA, the land of sickness and war
Lot's of heat, sex, poverty and beasts
Science says its where the first man was found on earth
Men say "it's where the third world is"
White is MULUNGO (white), boss, GOD of the Africans
He is always right because to err is human
He's got jesus's hair,
and the dollar bill's face
He is always on the other side
of the begging BLACK hand
The boss is the owner of the curve of happiness
of the belly that is bigger
than his erect penis
He is the owner of the salary,
and just like that he is the owner of the truth.
He doesn't accept the contrary,
and won't be contradicted
Money is the unit men use to measure,
The more money he has,
the more important his names are
it is the only language
that we all understand
and for those who don't speak it,
the others don't understand
F is for Foreigners and money are one
That is why our people
are very hospitable
He is the last one to arrive
and the first to be served
He is the one that arrives a brick layer
and leaves as an foreman
is the poor mans sickness
Africans and Latinos
with envy in their eyes
it is the explanation for losses and deaths
and it is also the explanation
for the wealth of the strong
The GOVERNMENT is always guilty
when it is the people that judge,
But the people have a short memory
and sentence is never carried out
The government is the party with the absolute majority
It is a naturally corrupt institution
H is for Homosexual, an abnormal being,
god's step son and the legitimate son of evil
The shame of his parents,
and the family in general
He is fruit of cultural revolution
E is for EQUALITY, that only exists in mathematics
In the human rights
that are not practiced and applied
Humans are all equal,
according to science,
but as soon as there is money involved,
the differences come out
Youth is that phase of life, that only when
abused, it is said that it was well lived
romance, tv, parties and drinks
are offered to the youth,
then they are called LOST
Graduated, in other words Doctor
More than just a degree
it means a higher income
It means looking at tradition as ridiculous
that does not fit
in to the modern ways of life
Of a MULATO without a flag
If its a man he is a thief
If it is a woman she is a gold digger
he can even be Dos Santos like Marcelino
And he will still pay for the sins of not being truly black
BLACK, or if you prefer, NIGGER
If the victim is the PREDICATE,
black is the SUBJECT.
For as much talent
he has for music and sports
He has for SHOW and ENVY of others
NGO's always with good intentions
This must be hell,
for there to be so many of these organisations
They offer great conditions and pay in $$$$$
They hand out crumbs,
to appease our begging
To absolute poverty, that for the last 37 years
has been the reason for our battles,
NIGGER is a politician, lier, and son of war
For 37 years he get's richer at our expense
A motel room is now a hotel room
a discreet place you pay to be UNFAITHFUL
who claims to have seen you there,
had a taste from the same HONEY
RELIGION is the peoples WEED
the smoke that makes us believe again,
in the old promise of a better life
when we give the priest
the fruits of our labour
HIV POSITIVE, of positive only the name
he was a hungry worm
and now it's the worm that eats him within
treated like dirt until he turns into DIRT
and more than the sickness it is that eats him inside (consumes)
T for Tradition, that is for suburban people,
but when desperate we all run to the hut
Tradition, that is for the uneducated
but if ceremony is needed
we are left without a choice
USA, of if you prefer,
United States of America,
you can't get any better
the Super Power that controls the world
even Bashir got into shit,
when someone ratted on him
V is for Value, that many mistake with price,
People with value,
don't sell themselves for anything
That does not stop me from asking
for what I'm worth
Because the bread to feed my daughters has a price
World Wide Web
in other words, internet
a web of pornography and piracy that mirrors
the businesses that will never go bankrupt
Drugs, Sex and Violence
X is for Xenophobia, that is popular justice,
When the price of bread goes up
We all must pay
Usually it is a BROTHER of the same COLOR
that pays for our desperation with sweat and blood
Zimbabwe, yesteryear's Africa's old barn
Today the capital of inflation and tragic governance
that has already killed innocent thousands
Condemned for protesting agains their leaders
Yes, this song has an educational content that fits into our programmes, but.....
Kontekstitiedoiksi saakoon riittää tällä kertaa, että video on julkaistu lokakuussa 2013 Mosambikissa, noin kuukautta ennen kunnallisvaaleja poliittisen ja aseellisen kriisin yllyttyä huolestuttaviin mittoihin. Ylikansalliset yhtiöt ja ulkovallat investoivat Mosambikiin voimakkaasti voidakseen hyödyntää sen luonnonrikkauksia ja lehdistönvapauden tilaa mittaavat indikaattorit näyttävät taantuvaa kehitystä, köyhyysaste pysyy stabiilina maan bruttokansantuotteen kasvaessa edelleen kovaa vauhtia.